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    Stop thinking lean tools.

    Quality, Cost, Delivery improvements are the results of your employees ‘engagement…You need to develop new ways of doing at each company level! Productivity was the first to introduce and adapt the Toyota Production System in the West (Lean Manufacturing and TPM).

    We have worked with Dr Shingo, the father of SMED, Dr Iwata and Dr Nakao, both selected to build the principles of the TPS system in the whole Toyota Supply Chain. For the past four decades, we have partnered with global manufacturers and service companies to develop their internal capabilities so they could reach their goals.


    TPM – Total Productive Maintenance Making assets work to add value… title=

    TPM – Total Productive Maintenance Making assets work to add value…

    Talks of motion by Catherine Converset

    TPM: Taking care of a company’s assets like a mother takes care of her baby…

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    #5 White Paper

    Leaning the Quality Control Laboratory

    Pharmaceutical manufacturers continue to operate in an increasingly competitive environment, contending with issues that run the gamut from lost revenue from expired, patents, ballooning costs for new drug research and development, changes required by new regulations and other compliance mandates and...

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    LEAN IN LABORATORIES – Spring 2025

    A 5-Day Virtual Certificate Program (March 24-28, 2025)

    Learn how the Lean fundamentals and a Lean mindset apply to reduce lead time, eliminate quality issues and expedite the batch release process. The result: a 50 to 90% performance improvement plus an energized Visual Laboratory workplace.

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    The Need for a Comprehensive Operational Excellence System in Quality Control Labs

    Commentary on a research article from the Journal of Pharmaceutical Innovation published in February 2019 focused on the relation between Operational Excellence (OPEX) and Quality Control (QC) Labs.

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    What is TPM – Total Productive Maintenance

    Making assets work to add value. To keep value flowing, and maximize your sales and margin contribution, you must engage everyone in establishing and maintaining equipment and process reliability.

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    Productivity Innovation and Productivity Latin America

    This Virtual two-day program will help leaders understand the organic development of a Zero-Failure Strategy. It has been developed based on more than 30 years of experience supporting companies in TPM implementation. Since the world has changed, everything must change. You will understand the Tree of Industrial Excellence and how solid foundations are driving your organization to the path of Zero Failure!

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    TexOps testimonial

    “Having had some LEAN training back 10 years ago, we thought our company was quite LEAN.  In consultations with Productivity […]

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    Flow Management

    In the majority of businesses, it appears that the current state material, information and human flows have just evolved over time… no one ever took the time to sit down, think them through end-to-end and design them.

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