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    Our company – nearly 40 years’ experience

    We were the first generation of consultants to be mentored by the originators of Lean, including Yoshiki Iwata, Chihiro Nakao, Shigeo Shingo, and Ryuji Fukuda. We introduced the Toyota Production System principles to the West.

    Productivity was the first to introduce lean to the USA.

    2018 – motion™ The Management System by Productivity

    2016 – First release Cost Reduction Model

    2014 – Launch Innovation platform (Innovation by Productivity™)

    2013 – Develop first Maintenance Improvement Certificate Program in conjunction with The Ohio State University

    2010 – Develop and offer the first Lean Manager Certification Program for Service Industry, in conjunction with The Ohio State University (OSU)

    2010 – Develop and offer the only TPM Manager Certification Program in conjunction with The Ohio State University

    2001 – Develop and offer the first Lean Manager Certification Program, in conjunction with The Ohio State University (OSU)

    1999 – Develop first Lean Certificate Program (later offered in conjunction with The Ohio State University)

    1995 – Offer public training & in-house use of JIT tools on the European Continent

    1991 – Offer public training & in-house use of JIT tools in Mexico

    1990 – Offer in-house SMED and Problem-solving training workshops

    1990 – Produce TPM, Lean and Employee Involvement conferences in the U.S.

    1989 – Pioneer public training & in-house use of JIT tools in the UK

    1988 – Use the Kaizen training format in the U.S.

    1988 – Translate and publish books on TPM (Total Productive Maintenance) by “the father of TPM” Seiichi Nakajima

    1986 – Deliver public training in the U.S. on the JIT (Just-In-Time manufacturing) toolkit

    1985 – Translate and publish books on SMED (single minute exchange of die) by Shigeo Shingo

    1983 – Translate and publish books on Japanese management practices by Shigeo Shingo and Ryuji Fukuda

    1981 – Deliver Productivity and Quality Conferences

    1981 – Conduct public industrial study missions from the U.S. to Japan

    1980 – Publish first “Productivity” Newsletter

    Today, we assist organizations throughout the Global 1000 in production, operations and administrative applications of operational excellence transformation in:

    Discrete manufacturing and process industries

    Including electronics, automotive, aerospace, footwear & apparel, food & beverage, pharmaceuticals, oil & gas, metals & mining, and building products, where we’ve assisted with projects in production, customer service, procurement, scheduling, R&D, human resources, laboratories…

    Service industries

    Including insurance, banking, laboratories, healthcare, retail, and government, where we’ve assisted with projects in customer service, human resources, sales & marketing, R&D, finance & accounting…

    Productivity around the globe

    We serve clients in the Americas, Europe, and Asia in support of their business process improvement efforts by providing them a customized transformation roadmap that includes:

    • Partnering with the senior leadership team in defining and deploying their operational excellence strategy and implementing a sustainable lean management and lean production system.
    • Training and coaching leaders at all levels in operational excellence methodologies and the leadership routines necessary to support a continuous improvement culture.
    • Mentoring and Coaching project teams and natural work teams in workplace waste elimination projects through the application of Lean, Six Sigma, and Total Productive Maintenance principles and practices.
    • On-going project management to ensure all initiatives remain on track and tied to organizational goals.

    These efforts encompass all company departments in the transformation journey thus ensuring development of empowered employees and customer-oriented process improvement.

    We provide our clients with systematic transformation solutions encompassing both the technical elements and cultural development needed for success. Our team-based approach to operational transformation ensures a transfer of knowledge and ownership of the improvement process to our clients.

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