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    Far from Tools, becoming a Lean company is a new mindset Feedback on our 2021 "Leading Lean" Event

    The participants all agreed that “Leading Lean” today is fundamentally about building new ways of working in organizations.

    People, managers and employees are looking for something different – more satisfaction – being treated better – being considered as a person – working in better conditions … Companies today have difficulties recruiting, finding and hirning skilled workers desiring to come on board. Therefore creating working environments and conditions is paramount for business sustainability and growth. This is the main WHY of LEAN.

    Once everyone agreed on the WHY, we have been working on the HOW: “Leading Lean”. We shared new perspectives to doing Lean, forget about tools and techniques and revisit the fundamental principles of being and living Excellence every day.

    Bill Maxwell and Catherine Converset highlighted these principles on Day 1.

    We wanted to share with participants the Hard principles of Lean and combine them with the Soft managerial aspects. Make participants reflect on the true meaning of the Lean principles and on the way to implement them. and how this makes the difference!

    Days 2, 3 and 4 have focused on 3 critical dimensions of a building a management system based on Lean ways of working:

    • WHY and HOW deploying strategy and objectives creates alignment and common objectives
    • WHY and HOW a well-made Daily Management System reinforces the energy in the workplace
    • WHY and HOW engaging people in A3 thinking not only helps solving problems but creates a common way of thinking and acting in the organization.

    4 intensive days – a lot of thoughts and reflections for everyone!

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