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    5 Principles to Align Your Organization into Excellence

    People and organization alignment are essential for success.

    Lean initiatives must be aligned towards the same objectives, in order to avoid the “bubble effect”: a lot of Kaizen events or Lean projects, engaging a lot of people in improvement activities that lack consistency and consequently have no impact on performance.

    A team-based organization can be efficient only if team objectives match the organization’s objectives. Improvement initiatives should satisfy a specific organizational objective in order to avoid inconsistencies between projects, conflicts between teams.

    1. Provide the organization with a sense of urgency to improve: talk about the customers and the customer’s experience.
    2. Lean transformation must be supported, every day, every minute, by leadership team: Go and See – Ask Questions – Practice Kata.
    3. All departments should be involved: not only operations or production.
    4. Engage both value steam projects and continuous improvement in every department.
    5. Create a simple but effective Policy Deployment system (Hoshin Kanri) to provide the organization with True North.

    We can assist your organization in facilitation of the Hoshin-Kanri process at all levels:

    • Defining the organization’s current state (business case for change)
    • Defining and Prioritizing strategic objectives
    • Translating the organization’s strategic objectives into tactical improvement initiatives
    • Creating Action Plans, project scoping and project facilitation
    • Definig appropriate measurements and targets to improve
    • Identifiyng the financial and social impacts
    • Establishing and Executing a deployment process

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