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    Value Stream Analysis

    Value Stream Mapping, Value Stream management: In this session you will learn how to scrutinize steps and data uncovered during value stream mapping and find the weaknesses within an organization.

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    This information will guide your tactical plan for transformation. Using the Value Stream Analysis process, you will discover how to address customer demand and its variability; how to transform processes by establishing response models adapted to each type of demand; and how to establish continuous flow in day-to-day operations.

    You will see real-life examples from service enterprises, including finance, healthcare, and general administration.


    • Workshop: classroom lecture, case study
    • Facilitated Coaching/Consulting: implementation in your environment

    Customized Skills Development

    Learning by doing

    The legacy of solid Productivity training and certification experience: actionable, Proven, Results-Oriented customized training programs are tailor-made to meet a wide range of training needs.

    Productivity Innovation delivers specific training events in Operational Excellence and Innovation to help companies go beyond mere Lean tools and build a growth path: Lean in Support Services, Lean in Laboratories and R&D, Leading Lean and Operational Excellence, Customer Centricity, and building a Zero Failure strategy.

    Our programs range from Leadership and Executive Awareness programs to on-the-job training for Operational Teams, in both Industry and Services. We offer classroom training, but also practical workshops, modular curriculum training over a period of several months, and of course regular support in the implementation. Our programs can be customized to fit different manufacturing, service, and healthcare environments.

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