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    Interpersonal Skills

    One of the biggest challenges for a Lean Manager is effectively handling the many interpersonal issues that arise during a Lean transformation.

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    From dealing with difficult personalities to moderating conflict, Lean Managers need to develop the skills to motivate teams while defusing interpersonal problems before they impede progress.

    In this session we introduce the social dimensions of lean transformation, including communication styles, active listening skills, personality types, setting rules, defining objectives, conflict resolution, and more.


    • Workshops: classroom learning and simulation
    • Facilitated Coaching/Consulting: implementation in your own environment
    • Management coaching and team coaching

    Customized Skills Development

    Learning by doing

    The legacy of solid Productivity training and certification experience: actionable, Proven, Results-Oriented customized training programs are tailor-made to meet a wide range of training needs.

    Productivity Innovation delivers specific training events in Operational Excellence and Innovation to help companies go beyond mere Lean tools and build a growth path: Lean in Support Services, Lean in Laboratories and R&D, Leading Lean and Operational Excellence, Customer Centricity, and building a Zero Failure strategy.

    Our programs range from Leadership and Executive Awareness programs to on-the-job training for Operational Teams, in both Industry and Services. We offer classroom training, but also practical workshops, modular curriculum training over a period of several months, and of course regular support in the implementation. Our programs can be customized to fit different manufacturing, service, and healthcare environments.

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